So I decided to surprise Listra and get us going on the web again. shhhhh don't tell her. It's a secret. We had an attempt at a guild forum when we were all in the pre-Solidarity guild, but that forum was not run by guild officers. And then that guild didn't exist anyway. So then we had another attempt at a guild webpage. A really smokin' attempt by another guild member who wasn't an officer, Sylarel. But then, much to my chagrin, and sorrow, Sylarel had to leave us. I thought about this muchly for some time... did I care? Should I care? And then I thought well, yes, I did care. It would be lovely for us to have a home on the web where we could go to check in, post in our own forums, check our own online calendar for guild events, and otherwise distract ourselves during the long working hours while we waited to go home and hang with the guildies!!! (God, but I love you guys!) So I decided I'd take it on and surprise you all with a pretty highly functioning set of web possibilities and hope that we could all keep our poop together enough to keep it going.
I was going to make a more conventional website, but I had some hosting issues that seemed best resolved with a blog format. Anywho.... here's what I've got set up for us...
1) the blog. you're looking at it. I'm hoping that you all will get in the habit of emailing me goodies to post here. Got smokin gear? send me an email (SyllySyll@gmail.com). Screenshot that must be seen (waiting for all the pics of you dudes dancing nekked)... send it on over. Guild news? events? new members? new 70s? newly keyed? let me know! I'll get it up here in a sort of report style and you can also talk about it in the forums. Also I'd love to get emails of you tube vids, helpful WOW links, anything at all that should be shared. We'll put it up here. and discuss it. at work. ::snicker::
2) the forum. Check the important guild links toward the top of the column on the right on this page. One link is to a guild forum I set up for discussions. REGISTER! POST! ENJOY!
3) the calendar. Again to the right under important guild links is a link to an online guild calendar. Anyone can see it. Officers will be able to post on it and/or edit it. So if you're an officer, get signed up on the forum and I'll get you access to the officers quarters forum, where you can pick up the usernames and passwords so that you can edit the calendar. If you are not an officer, email me and I will get your events up for all to see!
My hope is that these new web tools will be embraced by everyone and help us to become an even more tight, loyal, fierce, pwning guild than we already are. Please let me know any suggestions, comments, or thoughts you might have. Direct all criticism at Porchelynn. Mwah! j/k j/k! Enjoy!
Sylly Syll thinks you are a sexy devil...
I was going to make a more conventional website, but I had some hosting issues that seemed best resolved with a blog format. Anywho.... here's what I've got set up for us...
1) the blog. you're looking at it. I'm hoping that you all will get in the habit of emailing me goodies to post here. Got smokin gear? send me an email (SyllySyll@gmail.com). Screenshot that must be seen (waiting for all the pics of you dudes dancing nekked)... send it on over. Guild news? events? new members? new 70s? newly keyed? let me know! I'll get it up here in a sort of report style and you can also talk about it in the forums. Also I'd love to get emails of you tube vids, helpful WOW links, anything at all that should be shared. We'll put it up here. and discuss it. at work. ::snicker::
2) the forum. Check the important guild links toward the top of the column on the right on this page. One link is to a guild forum I set up for discussions. REGISTER! POST! ENJOY!
3) the calendar. Again to the right under important guild links is a link to an online guild calendar. Anyone can see it. Officers will be able to post on it and/or edit it. So if you're an officer, get signed up on the forum and I'll get you access to the officers quarters forum, where you can pick up the usernames and passwords so that you can edit the calendar. If you are not an officer, email me and I will get your events up for all to see!
My hope is that these new web tools will be embraced by everyone and help us to become an even more tight, loyal, fierce, pwning guild than we already are. Please let me know any suggestions, comments, or thoughts you might have. Direct all criticism at Porchelynn. Mwah! j/k j/k! Enjoy!
Sylly Syll thinks you are a sexy devil...